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This has been a long time coming. I don't think for a minute the upper echelons in Brooklyn could have imagined all this was going to come back to haunt them one day. They obviously think that being "Gods Organisation here on Earth" will protect them from whatever "bile and spew" us apostates throw at them. Sorry Guys. The games up. To many ex-jws know to much. All of us have a story to tell of pain and hurt whether it be shunning, abuse (emotional, physical or sexual) not to mention the years of guilt and fear we endured whilst part of it. But most importantly WE HAVE A FORUM TO AIR OUR VIEWS.
The internet isn't going to go away. The simple law of supply and demand kicks in. The ignorant public can now find out what you are like with a simple click, drag and download, and your internal support is heomoraging.
20 years from now your support will be a tenth of what it is now; a rabid, mentally unstable, dysfunctional group of hardcore individuals telling us our demise is "imminent". Thank god I got out when I was 21.
For Panorama THE flagship BBC news and current affairs programme to air the entire programme about this in a peak Sunday eveing slot is a major coup. It could be a major blow from which the Watchtower will never fully recover here in the United Kingdom.
My thanks to all who helped make it.